matralab explore – M P I v H+
EV 4.520
April 12, 2017
5pm - 7pm

We will be hosting a matralab explore session Wednesday, April 12th at 5-7 pm at matralab (EV 4.520). We are pleased to welcome the duo M P | v H+ consisting of composers Max Pazhutan and Honey Haq who will be discussing plural interests and projects. matralab explore is a series of 5 to 7 events where artist-researchers will present their thoughts on a work in progress. The series was conceived as an open and supportive forum to discuss artistic issues around a current project with peers. We have experienced many memorable evenings of discussion and collegiality. Snacks and beverages are usually provided.
As all of us are no doubt aware, music composition is not just about a simple experience. Composing an artistic piece involves a considerable set of mental activities that span a wide field of concerns, which for any of them, the human element is critically important.
Deep beauty in arts is the result of connections between two or more areas of mental activities, that may appear unrelated. The aesthetics which is rooted in relationships of mankind and machine, mathematics and music, audio art and visual arts, and a myriad of other fields are all rarely discussed, even among interdisciplinary artists.
M P | v H+ write and perform on various digital systems and music software, borrowing methods of organization from outside the musical realm and apply it to their musical works. Technology is at the core of M P | v H+’s music. From outer space science, computer science, mathematics and philosophy, to music’s unlimited possibilities both in rhythm and in harmony, M P | v H+ explore various artistic approaches with a focus on humanity and hope for a better future.
Max Pazhutan is an Iranian composer and sound artist, recently moved to Montreal. Composing music and making sound installations for more than 25 years, his art is focused on the universal peace and the meaning of humanity through methods that seek to find relations between various fields of mental activities.
Honey Haq is an Iranian sound artist and composer, believes art always follows philosophy. Her artworks are based on her concerns about responsibility for the future, and innovative use of recent instruments and techniques.
A self-studied musician, Max saw the shortcomings of universities of his home country in teaching the aspects of contemporary music, the concepts, the aesthetics, the artistic approaches and the technologies. Therefore he decided to compensate this imperfections by designing different courses to teach to enthusiasts of electronic and computer music, who like him, did not have access to world-class universities. These courses are online and mostly based on research and internet resources.