2008 “Transience”. Music performance for 1-3 aerophones, 1-3 chordophones, each player from a different tradition of music making. Commissioned by Makiko Goto.


“Transience” is a work of comprovisation: you have many different degrees of freedom, but you must also follow precise instructions in the score.

The goal of all the instructions is to make you discover new ways of making music. You will always come from your own musical background and have your memories and your well- trained sensibilities: use them freely, but also be ready to abandon them if they do not help you follow the score.

Transience is music about a certain experience of the world, expressed in the words of the first poem:”…do not dwell on the colour, the perfume…”. Likewise, polished sounds, whether harmonious or noisy, any attention to the sound or the materiality of the music should not be the centre of your attention while playing this piece. It may sound very beautiful or not, it may be interesting or not – all this is welcome if it happens, but not the reason or guiding line for your playing. While playing this piece, you should try to do only three things.

1.) Follow all instructions faithfully
2.) Listen to your partner
3.) Play what you feel is your proper response to 1) and 2).

In particular do not try to shape the dramaturgy or the “drive” of the work. Silence is fine. If you are focused on the three actions above, it will always be an engaging performance for all who listen and watch – and for yourself.



Transience - Introduction
Transience @ Malmö (2011)
Transience @ matrabox (2011)


Transience (2008)
Transience @ Malmö (2011)
Transience @ matrabox (2011)

