Alien Lands (World Premiere) – February 18 & 19, 2011 @ 9pm

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Sandeep Bhagwati au festival de Montréal Nouvelles Musiques
Bozzini String Quartet and Bye Bye Butterfly Percussion Quartet

18 février et 19 février 2011 à 21hr 00 à l’Agora Hydro-Québec — Cœur des sciences — UQAM. 175 avenue du Président-Kennedy [metro Places-des-Arts]

In our high-speed world, all things at rest quietly defend their silent mysteries. Three compositions, three variations on the motionless: deeply layered musical explorations of how wonderfully subtle our sonic world is – if we stop to listen. A new sonic aesthetic of the monochrome, focused and rich – to Bhagwati, a lively market is a monochrome sound, as are cracking ice floes, screaming children, a scorching fire, an idling motor, a thousand bees, a house creaking at night… Alien Lands – 4 energetic patterns of silence and noise for 4 percussionists, monochrom – 4 increasingly intricate comprovisations for string quartet, and Nil Nisi Nive, a sonic tissue of melody and rhythm. Instruments embedded in live-generated soundscapes, in vibrant light spaces – and guided by sophisticated interactive computer scores: This evening is a journey into the world between our ears, moving through both the real space of the concert and our inner, imaginary space, from rage to meditation to dream – and back to the joy of ecstatic beats.

Sandeep Bhagwati (*1963) is a German composer and theatre maker of international renown. Since 2006, he directs matralab, a lab for interdisciplinary and intercultural research-creation at Concordia University, and currently is also director of the Hexagram Concordia Centre for Research Creation in Media Arts.