matralab explore v: WORK IN PROCESS / PROCESS IN WORK


January 14, 2015


On Wednesday, January 14, special guest speaker and former matralab affiliate Mathieu Marcoux will join us via Skype for the fifth edition of matralab explore.


Mathieu will present an in-progress version of a new work for “multi-trumpeter” and electronics, which will be premiered at Festival Montreal Nouvelles Musiques this winter. Mathieu invites discussion on the poetics of the work and choice of sound materials.

A Canadian composer of electroacoustic music, Mathieu studied at the Montreal Conservatory of Music under Yves Daoust and Serge Provost, and at the Gothenburg Musikhögskolan in Sweden with Åke Parmerud. In 2003, he taught computer-assisted composition at the Quebec Music Conservatory. He joined the matralab team as a research assistant under the direction of composer Sandeep Bhagwati from 2008 to 2012.

In the remaining time, matralab’s Research Coordinator Adam Basanta will lead a discussion on the upcoming matralab symposium UPHONIA. The conversation will be aimed at brainstorming a utopian project, unencumbered by budget or other constraints, that involves sonic intervention in public or environmental space.

Feel free to bring along interested friends. As space is limited, please RSVP to before noon on Wednesday, January 14th.

If possible, please bring some munchies and/or a bottle (juice/water/wine, etc).