
Location Change: Let This Sound Slowly Dissipate” Concert

Please note that we’ve had a location change for the March 6 “Let This Sound Slowly Dissipate” concert. The concert location was originally advertised as Places des Arts. The performance will now take place at La Cinémathèque québécoise, 335 Boul de Maisonneuve E at 6pm.  

The event listing has been updated with the proper location.

We hope to still see you there!

Adam Basanta on CKUT’s “Underground Sounds”

February 16, 20 h @ CKUT, 90.3 FM

On February 16, Adam Basanta will be interviewed on CKUT’s  “Underground Sounds” by Nick Schofield. Adam will be discussing the release of his new album “memory is the residue of thought” and his upcoming installation “The sound of empty space” at Galerie B312. The show also features a live performance from a project Adam is currently working on.

Tune in to CKUT on 90.3 FM from Montreal, or stream the show live here.

Adam Basanta releases “Memory is the residue of thought”

Adam Basanta, matralab Research Coordinator, recently released an eight-track electroacoustic album titled “Memory is the residue of thought” on K o h l e n s t o f f records.

Basanta is a composer and media artist, whose work traverses electroacoustic and instrumental composition, audiovisual installations, site- specific interventions, laptop performance, and dynamic light design. He frequently explores notions of listening and audiovisual perception, the re-animation of quotidian objects, and the articulation of site and space.

Listen to Basanta’s album here, and be sure to check out the video below to hear about the composer’s inspirations and creative process.

Dhvani Sutras: An Evening of Indian Music Exploration @ Mazda Hall (Pune, India)

Feb 8,  7 pm @ Mazda Hall, Pune, India

On Feburary 8, vocalists Sameer Dublay and Aparna Gurav lead an ensemble of eight Indian classical musicians through Sandeep Bhagwati’s rule-based comprovisation concepts and scores, such as “Lehra Alphabet”, “Alaap for Ashok”, “Cloud Melodies” and “Rives&Dérives IV.” The concert includes several world premiers.

Dhvani Sutras is a unique project that builds on Indian music score concepts developed from 2001 to 2008 through the Rasalila project with Shubha Mudgal, Ashok Ranade, Dhruba Ghosh, Uday Bhawalkar, Aneesh Pradhan, Ganesh Anandan and Ensemble Modern. However, for the Dhvani Sutras iteration, Western-educated musicians are left out of the mix. 

Sandeep Bhagwati’s “Rives & Dérives II” and “Rives & Dérives III” @ SARC (Belfast)

March 12, 1pm @ Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland

On March 12, Sandeep Bhagwati’s pieces “Rives & Dérives II” for voices and a world premiere of “Rives & Dérives III” for instruments will be performed at the Sonic Arts Research Centre in Belfast. These animated scores for five groups of singers and/or musicians grew from a postcard score for an open-air port symphony. The scores have now become concert pieces that highlight the transient nature of sound and how it moves through us as we listen.

POEMS AS SCORES: A Conversation with Sandeep Bhagwati @ TARQ Gallery (Mumbai)

Feb 12, 5:30 pm @ TARQ Gallery, Dhanraj Mahal, Mumbai, India

POEMS AS SCORES: A Public Conversation with Sandeep Bhagwati

As part of the annual Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, celebrated poet Ranjit Hoskote invites Sandeep Bhagwati to discuss why and how he writes poems as scores, instructions and structure generators for music composition. Sandeep will draw on examples of past and present work, such as his “Native Alien” cycle and “Let This Sound Slowly Dissipate” performance.

Sandeep Bhagwati: “Making Harmony” Symposium @ FLAME (Pune, India)

Feb 2-6, 3:30 to 9 pm daily @ FLAME Campus, Lavale Village, Pune, India

From February 2 to 6, Sandeep Bhagwati will be participating in five days of lectures and listening sessions at the symposium “Making Harmony: A Non-Colonialist Introduction to Two Millenia of Western Art Music.”

Jen Reimer + Max Stein Release “Lisboa / Skagaströnd” Tape

matralab’s Jen Reimer and Max Stein share a fascination with reverberant spaces. Drawing inspiration from the hidden harmonies and secret rhythms present in urban sound environments, they create immersive multichannel sound works for processed horn and field recordings. Their pieces are conceived, composed, performed and recorded in the spaces themselves.

Jen and Max recently released a tape that features two of their performances in resonant, yet very different locations. “Lisboa” was recorded in the former cistern Mãe D’Áqua, an architectural cathedral for water that is known for its sounds. In “Skagaströnd”, Jen and Max take their listeners inside an old chimney in Iceland and slowly reveal its glistening, fulminating wavy sound. Both works make the entanglement of sound and space tangible for those who let themselves glide into the recordings.

You can listen to both performances here and explore the group’s other projects on their website.

Read a review of the release on Tiny Mix Tapes.




Malcolm Goldstein: “Sound Structures” Concert Series @ Casa del Popolo

Every second Sunday, 14h @ Casa del Popolo, 4873 St. Laurent

Throughout the winter, violinist and composer Malcolm Goldstein is hosting a concert series titled “Sound Structures: Late Twentieth Century Music for Solo Violin.” Every other Sunday, Malcolm will perform several pieces around a central theme. Each concert will be followed by a discussion period. See below for the complete schedule.

All concerts are held at Casa del Popolo, and begin at 2pm. This event series is free to the public though donations are appreciated.

Feburary 22: Collage Settings featuring Stefan Wolpe’s “Second Piece for Violin Alone”, Philip Corner’s “Piece for String Instrument #5”, Pauline Oliveros’ “Portrait of Malcolm” and Philip Corner’s “up to 7 juxtaposed” and “like nothing else/never before”

March 8: Every Day’s Music featuring Hans Otte’s “Alltagsmusik”

Past Events

January 25: Sound Strucutures featuring Philip Corner’s “gamelan CORN”, John Cage’s “One”, Christian Wolff’s “for 1, 2 or 3 people”, Malcolm Goldstein’s “on & on and always slowly nowhere” and James Tenney’s “Koan”

February 8: Other Worlds featuring Ornette Coleman’s “Trinity”, Malcolm Goldstein’s “my feet is tired by my soul is rested”, Peter Garland’s “Three Valentines” and Malcolm Goldstein’s “but one bird sang not”

Adam Basanta on CKUT’s “If You Got Ears”

Dec. 10, 12-13h @ CKUT, 90.3 FM

On December 10, Adam Basanta will be interviewed on CKUT’s “If You Got Ears.” Adam will be discussing his sound installation work and playing some of his music. The show is guest hosted this week by Isak Goldshneider, “Innovations en concert” series artistic director, and Nick Hyatt, the series’ communications agent.

Tune in to CKUT on 90.3 FM from Montreal, or stream the show live here.