
O V A L @ Currents 2014 Santa Fe International Arts Festival

Last month, Lenka Novakova and Otso Lahdeoja traveled to Santa Fe, New Mexico to install their work O V A L at the Currents 2014 Santa Fe International Arts Festival. O V A L was originally conceived in the matrabox and installed in the Hexagram Blackbox in late 2014.

O V A L is a large-scale installation combining glass, sound and light into a multimodal sculptural space. 10 glass sheets (190 x 60 cm) are hung from the ceiling, forming an oval shape (12m x 5m). 10 large sheets of glass are hanging in a dark room. The glass sheets vibrate and emit sound, forming a spatial polyphony of sonic objects. Video footage of the spectators themselves is projected on the glass sheets, creating a maze of self-portrait reflections and transparencies. The spectator is immersed into a chimerical space of sonic and visual illusions.

You can view photo documentation and read more on Lenka’s website:

Lenka Novakova is a PhD student at matralab.

Jen Reimer & Max Stein at Les Digitales (Lausanne)

Jen Reimer and Max Stein will be performing at Les Digitales, an open air festival in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Äänen Lumo: Jen Reimer/Max Stein/Adam Basanta (Helsinki)

Äänen Lumo is proud to present a unique audiovisual/spatio-sonic experience, by a trio of Canadian sonic performers. Join us for this unique event – perfectly suited to exploit the properties of the Free Arts Space previous life as an underground bomb shelter…

Tuesday August 5, 2014
Vapaan Taiteen Tila Vilhovuorenkuja 16, 00500
Helsinki, Finland

Doors open 7pm.
Performances begin 8pm.
Free entry.

Jen Reimer (CAN) & Max Stein (USA) share a fascination with reverberant space, urban soundscape and site-specific performance and installation. Drawing inspiration from the hidden harmony and secret rhythms present in urban sound environments, they create immersive multichannel sound works for processed horn and field recordings: conceived, composed, performed and recorded in the spaces themselves.
They have created a series of performances in resonant urban locations in Montréal including the New City Gas Co. building, Square Victoria Metro, St-Urbain underpass, Bain St Michel and the Wellington Tunnel and more recently in Lisbon, PT and Marseille, FR at the Mãe D’ Água and tunnel Bénedit-Jobin. They have presented sound installations at Métro Concorde, Laval, the Goethe Institut, Montréal and in an abandoned chimney in Skagaströnd, Iceland.

They have collaborated with various organizations including Suoni per Il Popolo, Montréal Highlights Festival/Nuit Blanche, Actions!/ Ghosts of Public Spaces, HTMlles (Montréal, CAN), Audioparc & Galerie Verticale (Laval, CAN), Nes Artist Residency (Skagaströnd, IS), Summer We Go Public (Skagaströnd, IS) and Sound Development City (Lisbon, PT & Marseille, FR).

Adam Basanta (b. 1985) is an award-winning composer and media artist, whose work traverses electroacoustic and instrumental composition, audiovisual installations, site- specific interventions, laptop performance, and dynamic light design. His work explores notions of listening and audiovisual perception, the re-animation of quotidian objects, and the articulation of site and space.
His concert works have been presented worldwide and awarded multiple national and international prizes, including Métamorphoses 2010 (Belgium) and the John Weinzweig grand prize in the SOCAN Foundation Awards for Young Composers (Canada). His sound and audiovisual installations, both solo and collaborative, have been presented across North America and Europe, and awarded in the Prix Ars Electronica 2013 (honourable mention, Hybrid Art category) and the 2014 Edith-Russ-Haus Awards for Emerging Media Artists.
Adam holds a BFA in composition from Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, BC) and an interdisciplinary MA in composition and sound art installation at Concordia University (Montreal, QC). He lives and works in Montreal, QC.

Jen Reimer, Max Stein & Adam Basanta @ McGill MMR

Suoni per Il Popolo Festival

June 09, 2014

527 Sherbrooke St. West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3A 1E3

Festival “Musiikin Aika – Time of Music” (VIITASAARI/FINLAND)

From July 1-6, 2014, Sandeep Bhagwati will be the composer of honour at the renowned “Time of Music” Festival in Viitasaari, Finland. Several of his works will be performed.


  • the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart will sing Sandeep’s 65 min a cappella work “Atish-e-Zaban
  • Felix del Tredici (bass trb), Navid Navab (computer musician), and Julian Stein (computer scores) will perform “Native Alien
  • in one concert Sandeep’s “Stele I” will be played in two versions: once as a piece for organ and once as a piece for prepared MIDI piano
  • the Italian ensemble “Divertimento” will play Sandeep’s comprovisation score “Jaali” for sextet

Music Without Humans: “NATIVE ALIEN meets VOYAGER meets PROSTHESIS”

On June 14, 2014, during the Montreal “Suoni per il Popolo” festival, Sandeep Bhagwati’s and Navid Navab’s “Native Alien”-software improviser will participate in a first non-human live-improvised trio of musical improvising computers, together with George Lewis “Voyager” and Michael Young’s “Prosthesis” software improvisers. The concert will take place at the CIRMMT MultiMediaRoom in McGill University. Humans are admitted as listeners.

Variation Without Time – LEUK/SWITZERLAND

On June 6, the Greek Ensemble dissonArt will perform a staged concert of over 100 pieces with max. 30″ duration at the Swiss contemporary music festival “Forum Wallis”.

On this occasion they will also premiere Sandeep Bhagwati’s newest work “Variation without Theme” for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin, Cello and Bass.

Boguslaw Schaeffer @ 85 (Poland)

On June 6, Krakow will honour Sandeep’ Bhagwati’s former composition teacher Boguslaw Schaeffer on his 85th birthday. Some of his composition students will contribute new and old pieces to a homage concert. Sandeep is currently writing a short piece for viola and piano for the occasion.

May 19 – Deadline for Application to Comprovisation Course (Finland)

From July 1-6, 2014, Sandeep Bhagwati will be the composer of honour at the renowned “Time of Music” Festival in Viitasaari, Finland. 

During this time Sandeep will also teach a course on comprovisation, including demonstrations on the interpretation of his music and reading sessions of participants’ scores by renowned new music ensembles.

Fee (including dorm accommodation): Euro 250. Deadline for applications: May 19. Participants will be notified on May 31.

More details:

STELE I for prepared piano – BERLIN/GERMANY

On May 20, 2014 the pianist Moritz Ernst will perform Sandeep Bhagwati’s “Stele I for prepared piano” at “Unerhörte Musik Berlin”, the only weekly new music concert series worldwide.

Weblink: Moritz Ernst