
Allegro Schullied – Berlin/Germany


By request, I wrote a new school song for the Allegro Primary School (which my two daughters attend). They are a very active primary school with quite a decent orchestra and choir, and these ensembles will perform this song for the first time for the entire school, during their annual music week. Naturally, I am very curious to hear it and will be present.

SUTRA – Nürnberg

During the festival “Aktuelle Musik” in and around Nürnberg/Germany, Sandeep Bhagwati’s postcard piece SUTRA (2013) will be performed twice in a version for recorders, percussion and electronics in a concert entitled emotional intelligence, a project by Monika Tahiri (May 5 (Erlangen) and May 9 (Nürnberg)). 

Marie-Hélène Breault @ 82e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université Concordia

On Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Marie-Hélène Breault will present a paper titled “La recherche de l’interprète musicien : entre recherche-création et musicologie” at the 82e Congrès de l’ACFAS at Concordia University.

Noiseborder Ensemble meets matralab, University of Windsor


matralab artists Sandeep Bhagwati, Adam Basanta, Jen Reimer, Max Stein, Julian Stein, Navid Navab and Felix Del Tredici will travel to the University of Windsor to present their work collectively and individually.


Please stay tuned for more details.

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Pöpel- guest researcher at matralab

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Pöpel, Lecturer in Sound for Media at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences will be guest researcher at matralab in late September/October 2013.
The research field he will be working on can be described with the words „human aspects in media“ and he is focusing on specific music related intermedia aspects and the impact new technologies have onto the objectives the technologies are built for. Questions that will be addressed are for example:
What qualities do the constraints coming with media technology have and how can humans benefit from those?
How does the broad usage of computing systems and their need of abstraction and formalisation influence human aspects in musical and media based communication?
In contrast to the huge amount of new possibilities new media technology offers for the arts, what new limitations can a broader usage of this technology bring and how could art help to identify and overcome limitations of conceiving and creating art and probably as well: our daily life?
Besides describing the questions, their impact and possibe answers as written text, Dr. Pöpel will work on sound-based reflections with respect to the research topics. He is seeking to get in touch with researchers, artist with similar interests in order to dicuss experiences, opinions and future work.
Furthermore he is looking for researchers/lectures that are interested to come as guest lecturers to Ansbach University and to teach in workshops in the field of multimedia and communication.

Website (German language):   

Latest Project (with students, cooperation with UT Sydney):


Dr. Gascia Ouzounian at matralab

Dr Gascia Ouzounian, Lecturer in the School of Creative Arts at Queen’s University Belfast, was a Guest Researcher at Matralab in August 2013. During her time at Matralab Gascia met with collaborators forOptophono, a label for interactive music and sound art she founded in 2013. She designed the Web, which documents the work of a research group she co-directs with architect Dr Sarah Lappin at Queen’s. Finally, Gascia took advantage of the unique library at Matralab to complete the first chapter for a book on the poetics and politics of space in experimental music and sound art after 1950. She presented this chapter at NYU’s Music and Audio Research Lab (MARL) following her visit to Matralab.
Gascia is grateful to Professor Sandeep Bhagwati and Jen Reimer for their support of her visit. She hopes to return to Montréal in 2014 to launch her projects Long For This World, an interactive composition created in collaboration with Matralab researcher Julian Stein and composer Christopher Haworth, and EDEN EDEN EDEN, a 6.5-hour recording engineered by Matralab’s Jen Reimer.

O V A L- Lenka Novakova & Otso Lähdeoja

O V A L : sound – glass – video installation by Otso Lähdeoja & Lenka Novakova

O V AL is a collaborative audiovisual installation by two Matralab-related researchers; Otso Lähdeoja and Lenka Novakova. 10 sheets of glass are hanging from the ceiling in an oval shape, vibrating and emitting sound. Video is projected on them, creating reflections and transparencies. The installation creates an immersive sonic and visual space which playfully misleads aural and visual perception.

Oval exhibition: Hexagram black box, fri 13.09.2103 & sat 14.09.2013




Several of Sandeep Bhagwati’s essays, both written in 2011, have now appeared in recent books. His essay “Imagining the Other’s Voice. On Composing Across Vocal Traditions“, has appeared in “Vocal Music and Contemporary Identities” ed. by F. Lau and Chr. Utz (Routledge, London/New York) and his essay “Bhava and Rasa: Creative Misunderstandings and Musical Universals” has appeared in the book” Actualité des Universaux musicaux/ Topicality of Musical Universals” ed. by J.-L. Leroy (Editions des Archives Contemporaines


On Nov 12 and 13, Sandeep Bhagwati will be a keynote speaker and panelist at the World New Music Days in Vienna symposion: “Intercultural Modernity and Contemporary Music – a Paradox?

Hannover Lectures

On Nov 7, Sandeep Bhagwati will be a guest at the Music University of Hannover (Germany) where he will talk about his own path and oeuvre as a composer.