
Ludwig and Mae: March 28-April 7

Patrick Leroux’s trilogy Ludwig and Mae will open this week at les Ateliers Jean-Brillant a block or so from métro Lionel-Groulx. The show runs 28 March to 7 April, with a preview 27 March. It runs for about 3 hours.

Recent article on the production:

Concordia’s release:—ludwig-mae.php

My musings on this production, 20 years after having written the first of the three plays… The piece was published today on the Charlebois Theatre Post:



The MUSIQUES GLOCALES – GLOCAL MUSICS Conference will we be broadcasted LIVE online. View the web stream below or at the following link:

Tune in at 1pm for the Concert / conference with ARCHITEK Percussion

Musiques Glocales / Glocal Musics


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

9h00-9:15 Introducing Participants
9h15-9h30 Intro Remarks by Sandeep Bhagwati
9:30-10h00 Work 1: O Bali, presented by Jose Evangelista
10h00-10h30 Work2: Prière pour Zipangu, presented by Simon Bertrand
10h30-10h45 Coffee Break
10h45-11h15 Work 3: Gaza, presented by Chantale Laplante
11h15-11h45 Work 4: Notre meute/Vaai Irandu, presented by Gabriel Dharmoo
11h45-12h15 Works 5/6: Vivier: Pulau Dewata / Kagel: Exotica, presented by Fabrice Marandola
12:00-13h00 Lunch Break
13h00-14h00 Concert: Steve Reich: Drumming / Claude Vivier: Pulau Dewata / Sandeep Bhagwati: Alien Lands, performed by ARCHITEK Percussion
14h00-14h30 Coffee Break
14h30-15h00 Work 7: Warnings Written on the Wind, presented by Sandeep Bhagwati
15h00-15h30 Work 8: Bellatrix / The Madness of the Night and the Woven Stars, presented by Feliz Anne Macahis
15h30-15h45 Coffee Break
15h45-16h15 Work 9: Dialogues du Silence / Jetstream, presented by Katia Makdissi Warren / Marie Hélène Breault
16h15-16h45 Work 10: Étincelles / A Precipitation for solo flute / Hermitage for Tangential Iridescences, presented by Zi Hua / Tzu En Ngiao
16h45-17h15 Critical Responses with Walter Boudreau / Cléo Palacio Quintin / Barbara Scales / Adam Basanta
17h15-18h00 Round Table Discussion with All participants

Sandeep Bhagwati named artistic director of Ensemble Extrakte

matralab director Sandeep Bhagwati has just been named artistic director of a newly founded music ensemble in Berlin.The brainchild of a reputed German new music producer, Elke Moltrecht, Ensemble Extrakte unites renowned musicians from backgrounds as diverse as Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Corean, Armenian, German, Irish, Free Jazz, New Music traditions who all live in Berlin. Working with Bhagwati’s Comprovisation techniques and his extensive background in inter-traditional music creation, the Ensemble’s artistic research aims at a new, post-exotistic kind of global and glocal musicking that can transcend the limitations encountered by so many world fusion music projects.

Extrakte has already given its first concert in Berlin on Jan 27, in the context of the Neukölln Jazz Festival – a big success with an audience of more than 300 peers and fans. After an intense work phase this spring and summer, more concerts will follow this fall, in Berlin and internationally.



As part of the Montréal Nouvelles Musiques festival, matralab is presenting a study day on the subject of postexoticism in occidental composed music (a.k.a. “new music”, “contemporary music”, or “avantgarde music”).

Feb 26, 2013
Hexagram Black Box

Tuesday February 26, 2013

9am to noon Session I Contact Zones
1 pm Lecture-Concert with the ARCHITEK Percussion Quartet (works by Steve Reich, Claude Vivier, Sandeep Bhagwati)
3pm-6pm Session II Ramifications

Hexagram Black Box
Concordia University EV Building
Sub Basement -3
Free entry

After more than a century replete with curiosities, exotisms, appropriations, ethnomusicological and post-colonial theories etc. this day would like to look at the situation today and here in Montréal around the kind of music aesthetics often qualified as hybrid or inter-cultural.

Which exemplary works, composers, musicians, musical models and theories, which aesthetic challenges and political/cultural imbroglios, which discourses and ideologies, but most of all, which practices, which economic and administrative frameworks determine the writing, the dissemination and the audience reception of these musics?

What are questions a composer needs to consider once s/he decides to draw inspiration from different musical traditions ? How to navigate the existential tension between complex inter-traditional and post-exoticist practices and aesthetics – and communication strategies that still too often stress the exotic and its clichés ?

How do native music traditions, immigrant musicians and the official identitarian cultural policy of Québec impact the composition and reception of such poly-traditional works ?

How does the global reality inform works written here – and how do local music traditions inform a creative practice such as that of “new music” – an aesthetic of largely European extraction that explicitly sees itself as international and global ?

Atish-e-Zaban @ Festival Montréal Nouvelles Musiques

On February 24, 2013 Sandeep Bhagwati’s Atish-e-Zaban for 6 singers during the Festival Montréal Nouvelles Musiques at Hexagram UQAM (Agora Hydro Québec).

A capella between the East and West: voices from Germany take on the historic oral tradition of Indian music, through a work inspired by an Urdu poem, set to music by an adventurous composer, Sandeep Bhagwati. In this matinée, situated at several artistic and geographical crossroads, the six singers of the Neue Vocalsolisten engage with the political poetry of Pakistan’s Faiz Ahmad Faiz. In Atish-e-Zaban (Fires of the Tongue) they become the audience’s daring guides into a soundscape of an imagined avant-garde Indian music… singing with fiery tongues and not getting burnt!


ENSEMBLE EXTRAKTE @ Jazzfest Neukölln

On Sunday January 27th at 11h00, the debut concert of ENSEMBLE EXTRAKTE Berliner Ensemble der Traditionen will take place at Kulturstall Schloss Britz in Berlin as part of Jazzfest Neukölln.

Sandeep Bhagwati is the musical director of ENSEMBLE EXTRAKTE.

More details:

Jan 27, 2013

Kulturstall Schloss Britz (Berlin)

Debut Concert of ENSEMBLE EXTRAKTE Berliner Ensemble der Traditionen

January 27, 2013 at 11h00 at Kulturstall Schloss Britz as part of the Jazzfest Neukölln

Sandeep Bhagwati musical development Sören Birke duduk, jew’s harp, Hu-Lu-Si, Feedbacks Amelia Cuni Indian Singing, tanpura Klaus Janek double bass Samir Odeh-Tamimi musical discourse Farhan Sabbagh Ud, Mazhar, Riqq Gregor Schulenburg flutes, duduk, overtone singing and flute Ravi Srinivasan tabla, vocal, whistles, percussion

Venue: Kulturstall auf dem Gutsgelände Schloss Britz, Alt-Britz 81-83, 12359 Berlin

Curated by x-tract-production

In the ENSEMBLE EXTRAKTE, musicians play on European and non-European instruments. Cultural diversity is central in this project. The ensemble offers a close-up view of the music cultures of the East, West, North and South. The goal is to create an unconventional repertoire that breaks the mold of what we consider to be fusion projects. Tradition is embraced, and both present and future are captured through intensity and time! Sounds, melodies, rhythms, techniques, volumes and moods form the basis for a colourful canon of musical discovery. The new body of sound is created in conjunction with the musicians. The ensemble consists of acclaimed musicians who understand listening as a dynamic process and are not afraid to explore new possibilities of music creation.


Music for 12 Domestic Lamps @ Cafe Zosha

Adam Basanta, Julian Stein, and Max Stein will have two performances of their project“Music For 12 Domestic Lamps” at Café Zosha in Mile End, Montreal (5731 Ave du Parc) on January 14 and 15, 2013 at 8pm.

Music for 12 Domestic Lamps is an installation and performance work for 12 sound and light emitting lamps. Each lamp is discreetly outfitted with a surface transducer speaker, turning the lamps into both light and sound emitters. The work investigates the potential of domestic objects, both to recall their quotidian functions and – through aesthetic transformation – transcend them.

The lamps will be performed upon by an electroacoustic improv-trio (A. Basanta, J. Stein, M. Stein), and will also run autonomously as a composed sound and light installation.


Wellington Tunnel- Jen Reimer + Max Stein + Adam Basanta

In November, Jen Reimer, Max Stein, and Adam Basanta collaborated on a guerilla sound/light performance in the abandoned Wellington Tunnel for french horn, field recordings, and 12 light bulbs. The performance took place as part of the Htmlles festival.

Video documentation of the performance (headphones recommended):

Video captured by Lenka Novakova
Audio captured by Julian Stein


“sound unsound” @ Chapelle historique: Dec 14, 2012

sound unsound” – a new acoustic composition by Adam Basanta for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and conductor – will be premiered by Ensemble Allogène as part of the event Montréal/Portugal à la Chappelle.

The work attempts to sever the link between musical sound and its accompanying gesture counterpart, developing both sounding and unsounding choreographic gestures as motifs throughout the work.
“sound unsound” will share the stage alongside works from Joâo Pedro Oliveira and Hugo Ribeiro (Portugal), and Maxime McKinley (Montreal),

14 décembre 2012, 20h
Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur
entrée libre
