
Wapiti présente: What is Voina?

Monday February 29, 2016
Sala Rossa, 4848 St-Laurent

Wapiti présente: What is Voina?
Musique d’Avant-Garde de Moscou et du Quebec pour violon et piano

World Premiere of: Toposition(s)#6 by Charles-Antoine Fréchette
Toposition(s)#6 est un pièce installative pour violon et piano amplifiés, (2015-2016, 30’)

+ Works by Ustvolskaya, Dorokhov and Dufour-Laperrière.

Commande de l’ensemble Wapiti dédiée à Daniel Áñez et Geneviève Liboiron, avec le soutien du Conseil des Arts du Canada.

Baba Dana Talks To The Wolves : Ralitsa Doncheva

The Riot Ballet – (Work-in-progress showing)

An international collective creation on themes of protest, riot, and group psychology. Part theatre experience, part living game.

This Saturday (Jan. 16) @ 3pm
Concordia University
John Molson School of Business building (1450 Guy Street). 7th floor. Room 425.

Collaborators: Angelique Wilkie (Concordia Contemporary Dance), Catalina Medina (Bogotá), Emer O’Toole (Concordia Canadian-Irish Studies), James Nesbitt (Vancouver), Martin Andrews (New Mexico), and Noah Drew (Concordia Theatre)

…with consultation from Jonathan Lessard (Concordia Design & Computation Arts) and support from Joseph Browne.

Noah Drew is a faculty researcher at matralab, and Joseph Browne is the technical coordinator at matralab.

Words & [ ] — a Durational Conference of Art & Thought

The School of Making Thinking is thrilled to present “Words & [ ] — a Durational Conference of Art & Thought” to take place at The Darling Foundry May 6 – 8 2016. This bilingual [French/English] conference is a 56-hour art and thought marathon with round-the-clock live programming featuring presentations exploring the connections and fissures between thinking and art-making practices. We hope to dynamically explode the conference format through vibrant intermingling of art and thought, eroding the barriers between individuals, disciplines, methods, and cultures via Dionysian exhaustion.

We invite both artists and presenters to partake in the entirety of the event, sleeping and feasting together, fostering a philosophical community born out of an ephemeral maximalist, deep-absorption. What kinds of work might emerge when we enter creative overload together?

The School of Making Thinking was founded by Aaron Finbloom (PhD Candidate at matralab).

When: Friday May 6th 10am – Sunday May 8th 6pm (2016)
Where: The Darling Foundry, Montreal (QC)
Cost: $10/day suggested donation (for all who attend)
Accommodations: Free communal accommodations in the gallery
Deadline for Submissions: February 15th, 2016 11:59PM EST

For more info:!conference/cdu4

Circuits de consommation

Circuits de consommation : Art, activisme et la biopolitique du contrôle alimentaire
Gratuit | RSVP :

Eastern Bloc
January 17, 2016
10:30 AM – 4:00 PM

L’Institut Genre, sexualité et féminisme (IGSF, McGill) de l’Université McGill et Eastern Bloc ont le plaisir d’annoncer le symposium Circuits de consommation : Art, activisme, et la biopolitique du contrôle alimentaire. La journée incluera une présentation performative keynote un dîner préparé par l’artiste chef anishinaabe Lisa Myers, ainsi que deux tables rondes. Ces activités offriront aux participants une expérience multi-sensorielle tout en questionnant l’intersection entre contrôle alimentaire, pratiques alimentaires, et les espaces dans lesquels cette consommation a lieu. L’événement présentera des activistes, des artistes et des universitaires basés à Montréal, ainsi que des invités spéciaux du Mexique, des États-Unis, et du Canada. Circuits de consommation cherche à comprendre les façons dont l’esthétique, la nourriture et la justice sociale peuvent transformer notre environnement et les rôles des activistes, universitaires, et artistes dans ce processus.

Incluant les participants suivants : Lisa Myers, Shawn Bourdages et Al Harrington (Café Roundhouse), Niamh Leonard (Santropol Roulant), Lauren Rathmel (Fermes Lufa), Janis Timm-Bottos (Art Hives), Alex Ketchum (IGSF), Nadège Grebmeier-Forget, Tina Carlisi, Natalie Doonan, Navid Navab, Sonja Zlatanova, Leila Nadir and Cary Peppermint (EcoArtTech), Arcangelo Constantini (Arte+Ciencia).


Circuits of Consumption: Art, Activism and The Biopolitics of Food Control
Free | RSVP :

The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF, McGill) of McGill University and Eastern Bloc are pleased to announce the upcoming symposium Circuits of Consumption: The Art, Activism, and Biopolitics of Food Control. The day will consist of a keynote performative presentation and lunch by Anishinaabe artist chef Lisa Myers, as well as two panel sessions. These will lead participants on a multi-sensory experience while they grapple with intersections of food control, eating practices, and the spaces in which this consumption occurs. The one-day event features Montreal-based activists, artists, and academics, as well as special guests from Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Circuits of Consumption seeks to understand the ways that aesthetics, food, and social justice can transform our environments and the role of activists, academics, and artists within this process.

Featuring the following speakers: Lisa Myers, Shawn Bourdages and Al Harrington (The Roundhouse Café), Niamh Leonard (Santropol Roulant), Lauren Rathmel (Lufa Farm), Janis Timm-Bottos (Art Hives), Alex Ketchum (IGSF), Nadège Grebmeier-Forget, Tina Carlisi, Natalie Doonan, Navid Navab, Sonja Zlatanova, Leila Nadir and Cary Peppermint (EcoArtTech), Arcangelo Constantini (Arte+Ciencia).

For more info:

Re-Collect by Michal Seta & Jane Tingley being shown in Montreal

“L’espace en dialogues s’articule autour de quatre thèmes éclatés abordant la notion d’espace : espace fictionnel, espace du quotidien, espace-temps et enfin, espace et architecture. Ces thèmes mettent en relation les œuvres, telles des conversations, en soulignant leurs polarités. Ici, il ne s’agit pas d’un abécédaire ni d’une définition ferme, mais plutôt d’une feuille vierge où s’amorce une réflexion sur le sens du mot « espace » au-delà de sa spatialité.

Cette exposition est issue de la nouvelle politique de programmation du CIRCA. Cette politique intègre le mandat élargi du Centre axé sur les pratiques en art actuel qui questionnent la notion d’espace. Elle favorise l’équité en prenant en compte la diversité et la qualité des pratiques, mais également la diversité des artistes. L’objectif visé par cette politique est que la pluralité alimente tant l’expérimentation que la recherche.”

CIRCA art actuel: 372, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, suite 444, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A2


Miyagi Haikus for quartet (World premiere) (Stuttgart)

December 6, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 8 p.m.

The Stuttgart Open Music Project, a community new music initiative, will celebrate its 10th anniversary by performing new works from their favourite composers. Bhagwati’s score “Miyagi Haikus” inspired them to create their own version.

“The Voice as Theatre” – On Younghi Pagh-Paan’s Vocal Works (Berlin)

December 1, Korean Cultural Institute Berlin, 6 p.m.

In a concert-symposium honouring the 70th birthday of major Korean composer Younghi Pagh-Paan, Sandeep Bhagwati has been asked to give a lecture about Pagh-Paan’s works for voices and the very particular intercultural texture of her vocal writing.

Dhvanivala. Eine Spurensuche. (Radio, World premiere)

November 6, 5 a.m. Middle European Time (MET), Deutschlandradio Kultur

World premiere broadcast of Bhagwati’s latest radio-play. Written and performed in German, it traces the life and work of a forgotten Sound Art pioneer in 1960s Bombay of whose sound art pieces not a single audible trace remains. The broadcast will be streamed live on [select Deutschlandradio Kultur in the Player).

Adam Basanta’s “The loudest sound in the room experienced very quietly” in NYC

The loudest sound in the room experienced very quietly will be part of the Quebec Digital Art in NYC group exhibition, curated by CQAM, at Invisible Dog Art Center, Oct 22-25.