Sandeep gives a talk and presentation on “Racines Ephémères” @ the Centre d’Archives de Montreal: March 12, 2012
On Monday, March 12 at 5pm, Sandeep will give a talk (in French) about the genesis of his video installation “Racines Ephémères” (currently on view at the Grande Bibliothèque until April 1). Please note: this talk will not happen at the Grand Bibliothèque itself, but at the Centre d’Archives de Montreal, 535 Avenue Viger Est. During this talk Sandeep will also, for the first time, present a new fixed-media composition, conceived as an element of the video installation. This installation is part of the Montreal Lifestories Project and its great Rencontres Festival
Web Links:
“Racines Ephémères”
Centre d’Archives de Montreal
Montreal Lifestories Project
Sandeep Bhagwati is the director of matralab.