Chris Ziegler is professor at the School of Arts, Media and Engineering Department of ASU and a Director and Digital Artist in the field of New Media, scenography and performing arts.
He is Associate Artist at German Center of Art and Media / ZKM Karlsruhe, Researcher at the International Choreographic Center in Amsterdam / ICKAmsterdam. Researcher, Lecturer at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Haute École de Théâtre de Suisse Romande HETSR and Developer at performance research center SINLAB.CH working in Lausanne and at Zürich ETHZ University.
After his education as Architect and Media Artist, he began 1994 working at ZKM Karlsruhe on dance, music theater and new media projects for ‘Frankfurt Ballett’, Goethe Institute and others. He is creating interactive film installations, multimedia performances and scenographic works, that are presented internationally at ZKM Karlsruhe, the Centre Pompidou, Paris, KIASMA Museum, Helsinki, YCAM Performance Center Yamagucchi, Japan and others. His production “turned” was sent by Goethe Institute to the German – Japanese year to Japan, performing in Kyoto and Tokyo.
Since 2002 he is working regularly with Jayachandran Palazhy of Attakkalari Center of Movement Arts and Mixed Media in Bangalore. The collaboration started 2000 in the USA at one of the international ASU dance and technology summer workshops. He was also part of ASU research and production workshops 2000 – 2003 BODYSENSE I/II andCellbytes.
The resulting first international dance production with Attakkalari scanned was touring in France, Switzerland and India received a Young Art and New Media in Munich 2001. The second production transavatarm touring in England and India, is still in Attakkalari’s repertoire. 2006 and 2011 Chris Ziegler worked in India on the long term dance documentation and notation DVD-ROM project NAGARIKAH 1 / 2, funded by Langois Foundation, Canada and the Indian Branch of Ford Foundation.
2007 he organized the first Dance Media Summer Academy at the Art Festival in Weimar, Germany. As a member of the European, EU funded Dance Apprentices Network Across Europe D.A.N.C.E. he worked for Europe‘s leading choreographers Frédéric Flamand, William Forsythe, Wayne McGregor and Angelin Preljocaj.
Beside the 2001 „Young Art and New Media Award“ in Munich, he won the Performing Arts Award from the Endowment of the Arts Baden-Württemberg and was 2004 Nominee for the Monaco Dance Forum Award 2006. He received several Design Awards, i.e. the I.D. Magazine Design Bronze Award 2000 and Silver Award 2001, the New York’s New Voices New Visions Award 1996.