Nagori … stands primarily for the trace, the presence, the atmosphere of a thing past, a thing that is not here anymore…a city that has preserved a medieval flair, or a house that still retains the taste and atmosphere of its former inhabitants. The aftereffects, damages, consequences of an event are termed nagori, such as the nagori of an earthquake or of an illness … nagori can be seen as “that which remains”… (Ryoko Sekiguchi)
From July 6th-10th, Ensemble Extrakte was in residence at the Time of Music Festival in Viitasaari working on Sandeep Bhagwati’s new comprovisation score Nagori Rengakai.
Together with Tölöläb, a fascinating Finnish experimental ensemble, the Ensemble Extrakte explored music-making across two locations and many music traditions: Half of them were in Berlin, the other half in Viitasaari.
Every day they worked separately on their creative tasks, but meet in the evening on Zoom to play the results to each other and jam across the web.
– What kind of music can make creative use of Zoom’s inevitable time lags and dropouts and weird sound?
– What kind of music can make creative use of Zoom’s inevitable time lags and dropouts and weird sound?
You can watch their show slowly unfolding on YouTube, and see their final concert gradually take shape!
*Comments on the music, suggestions on how to improve the music or the presentation are always welcome in the comments of each video.*
Join them and watch again the final concert which took place on Saturday, July 10th @ 18h Helsinki / 17h Berlin.
– A collective musical exploration of the four seasons of the past, silently momentuous year!
– A collective musical exploration of the four seasons of the past, silently momentuous year!