A city is host to the sounds of nature, technology, human activities, and transforms them into a cinema of sound, into an acousticmatic landscape – which, for those with curious ears, becomes the music of everyday life. In a multicultural city like ours, the sounds are built with the memories of its citizens, as well as influence from immigration which creates a tapestry of inaudible music, music that lives only through imagination and dreams. Cities, as entities, are some of the greatest musical instruments.
The exploration of city sounds creates a work of secret music with extended sounds and intimate songs. In this concert, the musicians of the ensemble “Sound of Montréal” will explore Montreal through a sonic perspective, or acoustic vacuums that blend with the music of exploration, shouts, and words. Interact with birds polluted by industrial whistling, or the strange sound objects married with the sounds of anodyne actions.
Reza Abaee
Didem Başar
Gabriel Dharmoo
Shawn Mativetsky
Guy Pelletier
Zal Sissokho
Kiya Tabassian