Villanelles de Voyelles is a comprovisational audio score composed by Sandeep Bhagwati in September 2017 at the request of Gabriel Dharmoo, and performed by a group of four vocalists. Dharmoo, along with Kathy Kennedy, David Cronkite, and Elizabeth Lima perform in the Concordia University EV building pavilion, as people pass by and stop to hear and watch. Each Singer has an MP3 player with one part of the four-part audio score. In their headphones, they hear spoken instructions, sound examples to imitate, and suggestions for movement. The audio score invites them to improvise in a precise language at a precise moment in time. It is neither written composition, nor free improvisation – we call it comprovisation.
Filmed & edited by Ralitsa Doncheva.
Masks by Hannes Thalmann.