Unai Miquelajauregui is a new-media artist and researcher working in the fields of film and intermedia. Before graduating from the MFA Film Production program at Concordia University, he studied Theatre Direction and Sound Design in Mexico City. His work combines research and creation into a mutually nourishing methodology, exploring human condition and aesthetic interpretation. His body of work focuses on experimental and expanded forms of cinema, specifically the moving-image in direct interaction with the viewer or spectator.
His research focuses in new forms of cinematic creation by integrating ubiquitous computing and moving-image in installation-based works. His artistic practice addresses the spectator as a crucial piece of the aesthetic creation process. He has directed theatre plays involving spectators in non-conventional ways: El corazón a gas lacrimógeno (2003) and Los Invasores (2004). Fractalika (2005) was his first interdisciplinary installation piece, mixing double-exposure black-and-white portraits, sculpture, sound and video for an immersive environment. In Lakesh, a 3-channel-video installation for 9 television monitors, was part of the collective exhibition The Hive at Parisian Laundry, Montreal (2010). In his work, Unai approaches the moving-image as a social phenomenon in a world mediated by lenses where the social relationships are mediated through images.
Among other film and video work, Unai directed and produced the short-films: Un Mariage Chimique (FOFA Gallery, 2012) and Between the Lines(2013). He has also worked in the sound design and post-production for several films including the documentaries Chez Lise (Festival de Nouveau Cinema, 2013), Dust: A Sculptor’s Journey, (HotDocs Festival, 2012); Born in Iran (World Film Festival, 2012) and the feature film Healing Winds (2012). His latest work Phantomaton is an interactive video installation embodying a photo booth, which generates emergent visual narratives combining the spectator’s visual input and 365 pre-recorded landscapes. It showcased during Nuit Blanche, Montréal en Lumière at Institute Goethe, Montreal, 2013.
Unai’s academic career has lead him to work as associate researcher with professor Jean Claude Bustros at Schema Hypercinema Lab, Hexagram (2010-2011) looking at the convergence of film and new media in order to develop expanded forms of cinematic language. Subsequently, Unai became Resident Videographer at Matralab, Hexagram (2011-2013)
Unai Miquelajauregui is the resident matralab videographer.